Tuesday, September 21, 2010

All Stars Guillermo - Scores Breakdown

40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Daygame
40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Attended Almog's talk
150 - Spend 30 uninterrupted minutes attempting to achieve your goal - Daygame
150 - Spend 30 uninterrupted minutes attempting to achieve your goal - Attended Almog's talk
40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Tantra practice

40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Daygame
150 - Spend 30 uninterrupted minutes attempting to achieve your goal - Daygame
40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Tantra practice

40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Daygame
150 - Spend 30 uninterrupted minutes attempting to achieve your goal - Daygame
40 - Take a solid action step towards my goal - Tantra practice

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