Thursday, November 18, 2010

Hip-Hop Self Help...Who would have thought?

Currently I am listening to "The 50th Law" audiobook by 50 Cent and Robert Greene, writer of The 48 Laws of Power. I stumbled across this while looking for books on mindsets and personal empowerment. I am keen to read The 48 Laws of Power but the intended teachings in this book resonated more with what I wanted. To be fearless.

From what I have listened to so far it is interesting to see how a lot of the principles outlined in this book ties in well with my inner game work. Seeing the world for what it is, viewing the world objectively and not reactively. Being able to see positives from every situation. Being powerful and not being a slave to others. A leader of men. Most of all being fearless.

I am also appreciate how 50 cent has gone from crack dealer to being a multi-million dollar entrepreneur. The way he is portrayed in the media and in music videos doesn't do him much justice. The man is a genius, a pioneer, an innovator. He is not just an artist, he's a producer, a record label owner, a self marketer. He is a man who is self empowered, a designer of his own destiny.

This book/audiobook is very similar to Thick Face, Black Heart but much more raw and easier to read. The concepts which both books outline are very similar, it's just the angle in which The 50th Law presents the concepts resonate with me more.

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