I have a hard time explaining what my type is. So here's a picture. An amazing pair of legs and heels just make me go mental inside.
Last Saturday I went to Creamfields music festival. I love trance music. I always tell people that it's the soundtrack to my life. The highs, the lows, the fast bits the slow bits. I love how the music can bottle up all your emotions and take you on an emotional journey. For a good 8 hours I was dancing like a maniac, especially in the trance room. It had been an epic experience. The atmosphere, the people, the music. It always brings a tingle down my spine. By the end I'm thinking in the back of my head "maybe I should go out". "I haven't done any approaches today" "I'm too tired, I think I should go home"
I decide to drive into the city to find a place to park. Traffic was a bitch. Bumper to bumper. Driving for about half an hour I thought to myself "Fuck it! I'm going home!" So I am driving towards home and I stop my the corner of Kings St and Flinders St. While I'm waiting at the traffic lights, I spot a gorgeous pair of legs with heels waiting at the lights to cross the road. At that moment, my state changed. I thought to myself "damn!". I knew I had to go out. So the light turns green and I turn my car back into the city. I wish I could approach the finest pair of legs ever but I didn't think it was a good idea.
I end up going to Transport. I think this was probably the only place that was going to let me in. I was wearing white canvas shoes which had turned into a greeny brownish colour and my pants somehow had been ripped in the middle. I go in and start with an approach at the bar. Two party girls. They weren't having any of it. I guess I was low energy. Maybe I was abit too tired from Creamfields. Oh well, what can you do? I bump into a few lair guys...and girl (bubbles). It's always good to go to a place where you know there will be people you know. I decide to wing with a couple of guys and get into a couple of sets. I find that I'm abit uncomfortable but I'm still rolling with it. I'm abit in my head but I'm willing to do anything to snap out of it. It gets to a point where I'm doing laps around a venue so I find the Lair guys to sit and chat.
As we're chatting I spot a cute blonde bird in front of us. I open with "you look friendly, I wonder why no-one has comeover to talk to you tonight?" We share some friendly banter and after engaging her in conversation, she introduces me to her friends (and boyfriend). Despite this, I just keep rolling with it and I start engaging one of her friends. She seems to be enjoying the conversation and it seems to be flowing well. One of the lair guys joins ther group and keeps cute blondie occupied. So I'm chatting with the friend. I wasn't trying to pick her up. I just enjoyed the conversation. Not long after another friend joins in and I quickly introduce myself.
We are exchanging in some flirtatious banter. Again, I wasn't interested, I just enjoyed being social. We went on some crazy tangents. I told her I was a stripper and kinda rolled with it. For about 20 minutes we were going on and on about strippers. Male strippers, female strippers. I love talking about strippers. It allows the conversation go sexual very fast. Which it did. After a while she says "this is getting a little too inappropriate" So I'm like "let's start again. I'm Khoi" We're asking each other boring questions and it got to a point of silence. I say "this is boring! Let's talk about strippers" So the fun in the conversation is back. We chat for abit more before I decide to go get a drink.
I spot a cute brunette kinda within a group but disconnected from it dancing while scanning the venue. She's here to hook up! I'm quick to pick up on it and I approach. I give a hi-5 and do a spin with her. Like most of these girls I approach I just say in a deep voice into her ear "What's your name?" Her: "Holly" At this point I know it's on and I just have to pull the trigger once I have her where I want. One of the lair guys joins the group and starts chatting with her friend. So I keep chatting away with Holly. I start to see the lair guy lose the other girl and she walks off. Next thing I know he comes in on my target.
Motherfucker! I'm not exactly pissed but what place does this guy have with a girl I've already isolated? I think there needs to be some kind of lair talk on the basics of winging because alot of lair guys seriously don't know how to wing.
It gets to the point where Holly loses interest in the other guy and so we lose the entire set.
I approach another group of girls. They're from the Gold Coast. There was an alright looking brunette but no-one in particular I'm interested in. I'm just enjoying the interaction. It was funny because there were two other guys in suits trying to pick them up but you could see the other two guys losing it. I also have set blower come it and wing for abit but he loses one of the girls and then he's out. I keep the attention of the group abit longer until I decide to bail. It was funny. I didn't leave because I ran out of things to say, I left because I was no longer engaged. What an amazing feeling. A few months ago that wouldn't have happened.
I end the night chilling with the lair guys discussing my progress during the night. Though I left with nothing I did leave feeling like I had come a long way in the last few months and I was very pleased with that. I just have to keep trying to take things one step further every time. It all comes back to the legs and heels. It's the image which gets my blood boiling. A reminder of why I do what I do. My action trigger. The possibility of perhaps one day...wait NO! Fuck! I will have something like that. I need to take things one step further so that when I do see Miss Legs and Heels I am ready to have her.
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