Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's been abit of a struggle


As the title suggests, it has been abit of a struggle the last couple of days. It all started on Friday when I did day game and got rejection after rejection. On top of that I went out the same night and it ended up miserably. Sunday I went to the Nightcat for some salsa lessons and went to Bimbos. I had alot of fun at salsa. I feel like it's a fun version of speed dating. There isn't that clinical and serious vibe that is associated with normal speed dating. There is something about dancing. I think I steered away from dancing in the past because I was worried about what people would think "this guy is gay" or "look at this retard". I guess over the past few years I have developed a sense of comfort in my own skin. I feel like when I am dancing I am expressing myself and it is when I can freely express myself when I experience true joy.

Now back to pick-up. So on Monday I decide to hit the town and do some approaches. I am walking along Swanston St and a gorgeous blonde walks past me. I hesitate for a while but then I turn back and walk after her. As I am getting closer she turns into the next street and I am kicking myself. It's those few seconds which make a massive difference. Anyway I keep walking and go into Melbourne Central to see what's there.

Approach #1: well dressed blonde
As I am walking out of Melbourne Central, I see the gorgeous blonde again. I let her walk past a little and then I turn back and open direct. "Hi, I just had to come talk to you because you're really beautiful. My name is Khoi". She seemed very receptive but I was quite nervous and I was kinda getting in my head abit. Anyway she needed to head off so I went for the number close. She says she has a boyfriend and then I went on to use a line Alex gave me "Cool! I have a goldfish!" which got abit of a laugh and then I proceeded with "we can be best friends". Anyway I didn't get a close but it felt good to get the ball rolling.

Approach #2: Dotti girl
I meet up at Bourke St mall and I spot a cute brunette walking towards Swanston so I chase after her. I approach with my usual line. She seemed a little weirded out and as I was walking with her and she mentioned she was on her way to work. She walks into the Dotti store.

Approach #3: Whoops!
I see a gorgeous brunette from across the tram tracks. I open direct and as I open her I see a guy come over. I thought he was trying to shut me out so I kept rolling with it. We chat for abit and I go for the close. Only to find out the he is her boyfriend. Hahaha. The great thing about hanging out with other Lair guys is that we learn to make fun out of rejection and this really was funny.

Approach #4: WOW!
In terms of looks, she was my ideal woman. Slim, tall, blonde, elegantly dressed and very poise. I see her from across the tram lines and wait for her to walk past. I run after her and approach direct. She seems quite open but I got abit in my head and had trouble keeping the interaction going. I attemtped a close but she wasn't interested.

Approach #5: Cute brunette
I see a cute brunette across the road and run after her. As I'm running my opener, she is giving me the "what the fuck?" face. When she hears the second part, you're really beautiful, she instantly lights up. We have a quick chat and I go for the close but she says she has a boyfriend.

Approach #6: Owwwwww! OK! Go! Now!
I'm walking across the road towards Fed Square when I spot this gorgeous brunette. She had a face that I could melt for. I turn around and open the only way I know how. Direct! She seems very recpetive but I can see already there is abit of a language barrier. Turns out shes from Kazakhstan and is here for study. We chat for abit and I go for the number close. She gives me her facebook first but then I go for her number. It was funny as I was doing all of this because people were watching me as I'm getting this girls number and people thinking "is this really happening?"

Approach #7: Seated sets. Not my forte. This is gonna change.
I told my wing Darryl that I was going to do a seated set today. I haven't done many but I felt that this had to be done. I had a pen and pad in my pocket and I wrote on it "you're cute! do you like coffee/juice/hot boys?" I put it in front of a girl sitting down on the steps at Fed Square. I got a laugh from her and she said she wasn't interested but I kept going. She was very friendly and we continued to chat for abit. I go for the close but she says she has a boyfriend so I settle for her facebook. By far my most solid interaction all day.

Things to take away:
- Relax. You have all day and I'm sure she can wait because you're more interesting than whatever she has to do
- Quality interactions. Though I'm going for the close, whether I get the number or not, I'm not gonna secure anything unless I build some kind of connection.
- Take things one step further.
- You wouldn't have done this 12 months ago. You're making awesome progress.

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