Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All Stars Ivan - Scores Breakdown

50 - Find a new income stream
50 - Open a savings bank account
50 - Open an online shares trading account
50 - Save 10% of your income
50 - Do a budget
50 - Order the book The Richest Man in Babylon
50 - Order the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad"
40 - Action step towards my goal - Daygame
2000 - Achieve one of my goals - Invest in shares
40 - Action step towards my goal - Read the 4 hour work week
40 - Action step towards my goal - Read Cassanova's Diary
40 - Action step towards my goal - Listened to Sexual Magnetism

40 - Action step towards my goal - BJJ
40 - Action step towards my goal - Read the 4 hour work week
40 - Action step towards my goal - Listened to Sexual Magnetism

50 - A Girls Guide to Sex
40 - Action step towards my goal - Daygame
40 - Action step towards my goal - Went on a date with a woman
40 - Action step towards my goal - Spent time in isolation with a woman
40 - Action step towards my goal - Read the 4 hour work week
40 - Action step towards my goal - Listened to Sexual Magnetism

40 - Action step towards my goal - Read the 4 hour work week

40 - Action step towards my goal - Nightgame

40 - Action step towards my goal - Nightgame
40 - Action step towards my goal - Went in sexual with a woman x3
40 - Action step towards my goal - Listened to Sexual Magnetism

40 - Action step towards my goal - Nightgame
40 - Action step towards my goal - Daygame

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