Tuesday, June 15, 2010

All Stars Carla - Scores Breakdown

I aiming for a top 10 score and missed out again. On a positive note I made a personal best score. This week I'm going to try plan my missions for the next two weeks. I think it will be more achievable if I can see where my points will be coming from rather than doing missions as I go along. Actions marked in bold have been completed.

350 - Quizes
50 - Movie of the week
20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - BJJ
20 - Action towards my goal - Went to the gym
20 - Action towards my goal - Watched Sex Secrets TV show
Total: 480

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Went to the gym - Cardio
100 - Personal Foundation program - Make a list of 10 people you admire: identify the qualities, natural behaviour and how they handle tough situations and people. What standards could you raise that would have you be more like them, yet still fit you today?
20 - Applied for jobs
20 - Action towards my goal - House hunting

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Went to the gym - Chest and Biceps
20 - Action towards my goal - Researched shares
20 - Action towards my goal - Day Game
20 - Action towards my goal - House Hunting
20 - Speak to another all star - Flowz
100 - Extreme Self-Care Program - I know what motivates me

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - House Hunting
20 - Action towards my goal - Applied for jobs

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
70 - Post on confidence
35 - Post on self-image
20 - Action towards my goal - House Hunting


20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - House Hunting

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Went to the gym - Legs and abs
20 - Action towards my goal - House Hunting
20 - Action towards my goal - Applied for jobs
20 - Spoke to another all-star - Sammy
20 - Action towards my goal - Daygame

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Went to the gym - Back and triceps
20 - Action towards my goal - BJJ
20 - Action towards my goal - Daygame
20 - Action towards my goal - Job hunting
20 - Action towards my goal - House hunting
20 - Spoke to another all-star - Sammy

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Daygame
20 - Action towards my goal - Job hunting
20 - Action towards my goal - House hunting

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Night Game
20 - Action towards my goal - Day Game
20 - Action towards my goal - Applied for jobs

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
20 - Action towards my goal - Night Game

20 - Action towards my goal - Speed Dating
20 - Action towards my goal - Night of Mayhem

20 - 5 Things I am greatful for
600 - Listened to the audio - Social Intelligence
100 - Never use the word "approach" again. I now use breaking some hearts
50 - Personal Weekly Wins
50 - Weekly Update Sheet

Total: 2445

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