Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day game gone dry...

In the last month or so I feel like I have plateaued. I've been going out during the day whenever I had a day off work to meet some of Melbourne's finest. When I started pick-up I really hated daygame. To me it's more of a mental game compared to night game. During the day there is a long timeframe between each interaction so when I have a bad one it's easy for me to get in my head and by the time I've talked to 3 or 4 girls I'm exhausted.

A few things have changed my outlook on day game and as a result I do daygame more than I do nightgame. I did the conversation camp with Matt from Vin DiCarlo (I had my first lay from them game a couple days after) and I did the approach energy course. As a result of those workshops I have done more approaches during the day in the space of 2 months than I have done in my entire time since I got into the community (June 26 last year. I remember it well because it was the day Michael Jackson died. RIP). I've been talking to some of the most incredibly beautiful women and getting into fun interactions with them and it really did alot to get my confidence up. It's made me believe that while I may not be ready to have a super sexy, confident, ambitious and intelligent woman, I do believe I deserve her. I have invested time in making myself and giving values to those around me that it's only a matter of time.

In one month I did over 100 approaches, got over 20 numbers and only two dates. The last couple of weeks have been abit of a grind for me and has taken alot of fun out of daygame. I look back on where I was a couple of months ago and I am blown away by how much I have grown internally but at the same time I'm sometimes feel abit down that I'm not seeing the results externally. I have been journaling my adventures and you can find my past journal entries in my blog at becomethesavage.blogspot.com. It's not just about my adventures in pickup but in other areas of my life as well.

I have seen incredible progress as a result of journaling but have mainly kept it to myself. I am going to start putting my journal entries in the Lair as well as my blog to get some feedback from you guys as well as hope to serve as a source to inspire others to get out there and meet some lovely ladies.

I am going to be as open and as honest with my progress in my posts. I will write about all my successes, my failures, my absolute fuck ups and my discoveries. I don't want this to be a journal to brag about how I'm an awesome PUA because I am anything but that and don't want to be. I am looking to improve myself as a person and in order to do that I feel I have to strip myself bare. Not literally ;)

So here's my first field report...

21/06/2010: Melbourne CBD

Approach #1: Petite blonde cutie
I meet up with Daryl at Bourke St mall. We are chatting away when I spot a cute blonde walk on the other side of the tram tracks. I run after her and she walks into David Jones.

Me: Excuse me. I know this is totally out of the blue but... I thought you were really beautiful. I had to come over and say hi. My name's Khoi.

I like to keep abit of a pause when I say "but". When I let the rest of the opener out they just seem to light up...well most of the time :)

Her: Thank you. I'm (insert name here)
Me: What adventures have you been upto today?
Her: I work here
Me: So are you a saver or a spender?
Her: I don't know
Me: I take it you're someone who likes to put money aside but at the same time likes to take care of herself.
(I wanted to say "I take it you're the type of person who likes to pleasure yourself but at the same time you want to put money aside to follow your dreams". I've used it in the past and it seems to work well. Gives me an opportunity to get abit sexual. I was in my head today and was scared to pull it out.)

She said she had to go so I went for the number close.

Her: Sorry but I don't think my boyfriend would approve.
Me: Cool we can be best friends. (Thanks Tim)

I couldn't remember what she said after that...I ejected.

I been getting the "Sorry but I have a boyfriend" alot lately. I'm thinking the best way around it might be "who said anything about boyfriend? I've only known you for like 2 minutes. I need love, trust and connection before we go down that route"

Approach #2: Blonde, blue eyes and leather jacket.
Daryl and I were walking through Myer and I was telling him how I've had a thing for girls in leather jackets lately. Just was we walk out I spot a gorgeous blonde sparking blue eyes tight black pants and a fitted leather jacket. She looked badass. I let her walk past, turn around and stop her.

Me: Excuse me. I know this is totally out of the blue but... I thought you were really beautiful. I had to come over and say hi. My name's Khoi.
Her: Thank you. I'm (insert name here)
Me: What adventures have you been upto today?
Her: I work here
Me: So are you a saver or a spender?
Her: I'm a spender
Me: High maintenence! You sound like trouble. (cheeky smile)

We exchange abit of banter and I go for the number close. Boyfriend. :( We talk for abit more before I eject. Funny how the universe gives you a taste of what you want only to kick you in the face.

Approach #3: Corporate Glam. Slamming legs.
Legs. I love legs. I think my fascination for girls with amazing legs stem from Heather Locklear in Melrose Place. Sex in a mini-skirt...in an office. Legs and heels do alot to get my hormones racing. I was following another girl along Swanston St. This time it was a brunette in a leather jacket but I couldn't approach because she was on her phone. I was waiting for her to get off the phone. I had enough of following so I head back to join Daryl who is on Bourke St. Daryl is across the road waiting at the traffic lights. I spot a super hot blonde with sexy legs and heels. I had to approach. I'm looking at Daryl and I point her out to him. I cross the road, look at Daryl and run after sexy legs.

Me: Excuse me. I know this is totally out of the blue but... I thought you were really beautiful. I had to come over and say hi. My name's Khoi.
Her: Thankyou. I'm (insert name here)
Me: So what adventures have you been upto today?
Her: Sorry but I really have to go but thankyou.
She walks off

I was needing a drink so Daryl and I walk to 7/11. We spot a gorgeous brunette waiting outside. I tell him by the time I walk out I want to see you talking to her. I grab a coke and wait in line. While I am waiting the brunette walks in and I look out the window and give Daryl the "what happened?" look. I pay for the drink and walk out. I tell him once she walks out to go after her. She walks out of the store and walks past us. After abit of hesitation, Daryl runs after her. The interaction seems to be going very well. He's engaged her and locked her in. He moves her away so that they aren't in the way of the afterwork crowd. I look around to see if there are any other girls around. Most of them are in a group. I really hate groups. I've done them before with success but I don't know why I can't get myself to do them again. Anyway, I watch Daryl and it seems to be going way too well. Damn! I hate him. I am blown away by his progress since I first met him at approach energy. He has come a long way. I feel I can learn alot just by observing him.

There was another girl I spotted as I was walking towards Collins St. Mini-skirt, boots and long coat. I went after her. She walks into the post office so I follow her in. She waits in line and turns for a second and holds eye contact with me. I know at this point I should have opened but I was in my head. So I wandered in the post office for a bit and walked out. I knew at that second I had to open. Next time.

Notes: I feel like I'm not pushing the interaction far enough and I'm not building much of a connection. Even if I did number close any of the girls I don't feel they would have stuck. I need to look to push things one step further. I think I've been focused too much on establishing a flirty vibe that I am forgetting to build a connection. On a positive note, the last few weeks I have been reluctant to approach my type of girls. This day was different in that the feelings being triggered within me made me approach these girls. In the past these feelings would make me shy away but today it was almost a necessity to approach them. Except the post office girl... wait, she wasn't wearing a leather jacket.

22/06/2010: Melbourne CBD
I wanted to hit the city ealier today but I had to drop off my car to get fixed. I arrived in the city at around 4. I also had BJJ tonight so I didn't have much time to do some approaches.

Approach #1: Blondie...girl next door type.
I meet up with Sammy and Daryl at Bourke St mall. They have been in the city for a while and we talk about how they went. While they were talking I spot a cute blonde. Fair skinned not "POW!" hot but there was something about her.

Me: Excuse me. I know this is totally out of the blue but... I thought you were really beautiful. I had to come over and say hi. My name's Khoi.
I'm starting to sound like a one-trick pony.

Her:Thankyou. Did you win your dare?
I was thrown off by this. I should have rolled with it. Maybe something like "yes so what do I win?" By this point she's walked off.

Approach #2: Swedish blondie
Sammy, Daryl and I are at Bourke St mall. It's here where Jonathan joins us as well. We walk around the streets doing stupid shit like screeching like a velociraptor and this weird hand explosion thingy which really creeped this girl out. As we're talking Sammy spots a hot blonde walk past. He points her out and he say "she's your type. GO!" I run after her. I touch her lightly on the arm and she freaks out.
Me: Sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out.
I smile and lean back a little and give her a moment to calm down.

Her: No it's OK. I was in my own little world.

Me: Look. I know this is totally out of the blue but... I thought you were really beautiful. I had to come over and say hi. My name's Khoi.
Her: Thankyou. I'm (insert name here)
Me: I noticed you accent. Where are you from?
Her: I'm from Sweden
Me: What brings you to Melbourne?
Her: I work here
Me: I'm guessing accounting
Her: No
I smile and hold eye contact.
Her: actually I'm an economist.

As receptive as she was I was stuck on things to say. I went for the number close but she wasn't interested.

Approach #3: Another blonde
There seems to be an abundance of blondes in the city recently which comes to me as a surprise as there hasn't been much recently. It's like they go on hibernation during the winter months. We're at Melbourne Central and I spot a blonde looking at the directory. I walk up to her.

Me: It's over there and point to some random direction.
Her: What are you talking about?
Me: What are you looking for?
Her: haha...I'm looking for the nuts shop
Me: I'd help you but I don't have a clue. Are you from around here?
Her: Yeah but I don't know my way around here.

I ran out of things to say here so I ejected. I've had enough. I'm going to BJJ.

Approach #4: Gorgeous brunette
I'm on the train home and I'm listening to my ipod. The seats around me are empty. Then a homeless guy sits on one of the chairs in front of me. I'm doing my best to beathe through my mouth. He is wearing this bush hat and has this crazy beard. I couldn't wait for him to get off.

He finally got off the train and I was able to breathe again. I was immersed in the music I was listening to when I spot a gorgeous brunette sitting across from me. She's reading an MX and snacking on potato chips. Damn! I want to talk to her. I looking around the train. I see people sitting in the seats near where I'm sitting and I'm thinking to myself "shit! What would they think of me?" I'm sitting there running this internal dialogue justifying why I should/shouldn't talk to her. The train stops at Clayton station. Something came over me. I just had to talk to her. The train starts moving. Everytime I try to open my mouth she picks up some chips and puts it into her mouth. Damn chips! I'm getting closer to my stop so I'm like fuck it.

Me: Excuse me. I know this is kinda random but I think you're really beautiful. I had to say hi. My name is Khoi
Her: Thankyou. I'm (insert name here)
Me: What adventures have you been upto today?
Her: I've been working.
Me: Let me guess...retail
Her: no actually market research.
Me: I take it you're the creative type.
Her: yeah, sorta...
I pause for abit...thinking of something to say
Me: you know it's funny how people on the train don't talk to each other
Her:Yeah it's not normal to pick-up on the train
Me: So what's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard?
Her: I don't know but I should mention I have a boyfriend.
Me: Cool! I have a goldfish.
Her: Haha...That's nice. You know people don't really do this.
Me: would you rather a drunk sleazy guy in the club or someone genuine say on the train?
Her: Someone genuine.
Me: So what excitement do you have planned for the evening?
Her: Nothing really.
Me: yeah it's good to wind down after a hard days work.
Then she goes on a ramble about how she hates her job. I assumed she worked in marketing and she's quick to correct me. She wouldn't cope in those environments.
Me: I'm curious to know what their strike rates are. They mus get alot of "fuck offs"
Her: Yeah I wouldn't be able to put up with that all the time.
Me: It sounds like you don't take rejection well
Her: Not really
Then I went on to tell her a story about Buddha and rejection. Something along the lines of if you were to take rejection personally it's a reflection of you but if you choose not to accept it it's a reflection of them. My train arrive at my stop so I said goodbye.

I was really happy with this interaction. Much more solid than the other interactions I've had today. Even though I didn't go for a close, never in my mind would I have opened a girl on the train a few months ago. I feel I have smashed a social barrier. I tend to shy away from girls who are seated. It's like you have the girl isolated and I worry about running out of things to say. I tend to go for girls who are standing or walking because I know I am working with a short time frame. Though the seated sets I've done recently have gone really well, there's still that fear going on in the back of my head.

The last couple of days I feel like I haven't been pushing interactions far enough. I've just been going in there and looking to close as quick as possible. I think it's time to take a step back and focus more on having a solid interaction and let the number close be the by product of a solid interaction. I need to listen to what she says more and stop trying to think of things to say. I need to give the woman room to invest because I know she will invest if I just give her some space rather than ramble on.

More to come...

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