Monday, June 14, 2010

Attractive tests

You are 29% attractive

Don't feel too good about yourself. You have no room to bark. You're just one step beyond the kennel and chances are that you slipped the leash. Go back for more kibble and less 'tude.

How attractive are you...really?
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Are You Attractive?!

Moderately Attractive

You could probably get a date, but its more of a fifty/ fifty outcome. You're OK in crowds, and some women (or men) would definitely find you attractive!

Personality Test Results

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Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

You are ....
Result: Beautiful/handsome

Well, well, what more can we say. The truth is you are too pretty and people can't resist looking at you. They are attracted with your looks and charm. You are so yummy and hot.

Congratulations! You've passed the quiz with a score of 33%.

Your answers indicate that you are friendly and open person who just needs more social contacts. If you have any outgoing friends, see if they can help you get into situations where you have to speak to a girl. It may be terrifying, but it can help.

Hold your chin up and continue to be active in your pursuits and you will eventually find what you are looking for. I think the biggest skill you have is you listen. Listen to others but also to yourself.

Just try a normal conversation with casual acquaintances. Talk about classes, current events, anything. Debate if you want. So to experience success in dating woman, you need to keep trying and you'll improve your skills over time. If you read a few books I'm touting here, I'm sure you'll makeover in no time.

My thoughts
I believe I am an attractive guy. I just have trouble showing that when I am interacting with women. I feel women can only determine how attracted they are to me by the first interaction and alot of the time it doesn't shine through. I feel with more solid interactions with women I will be able to get this handled.

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