Monday, June 14, 2010

Self-esteem Tests
Results of your Self-Esteem Test

Self-Esteem Index
Your score = 50 Your score

What does your score mean?

According to this test, you have a reasonably high level of self-esteem. There is, however, still some room for improvement. You seem to experience some doubt about your own abilities, occasional feelings of inadequacy and possibly even question your own self-worth from time to time. Essentially, you sometimes get caught up in a vicious circle; if you believe that you cannot do something, your belief causes you to think and behave in a way that leads to your eventual failure. Although your self-esteem is generally healthy, and some insecurity is normal, it certainly can't hurt to give your confidence a boost. There is a wide range of resources available out there on the subject, why not check them out? You'll certainly see the long-term benefits - increased confidence, better relationships, less anxiety and an overall improved sense of well-being.
Quiz results :

100% - 94% = Excellent. . Congratulations!. You have a deep sense of worth , self-respect and live a balance life.

93% - 75 % = Good , you can improve. You are in the right path. Keep it up .Read : healthy self esteem .

74% - 50% = Need for improvement. You have a tendency toward self criticism and to put yourself down. You are afraid to take risks and make mistakes. You lack confidence. Please visit Self confidence

Below 50% = Extremely poor. You are too concern on other people’s opinions and you may lack assertiveness . Your tendency is to ignore your needs because you want to please others. You might have self-destructive habits. You lack confidence. Hide true feelings and have problems establishing intimacy in relationships

How Self-Accepting Are YOU ?

I allow myself to make mistakes, realizing that we all learn from failure.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

My value as a person depends greatly on what others think of me.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

Whether I’m celebrating a success or getting through a rough period, I “reward” myself in self-defeating ways, e.g. overeating, drinking too much, or going on a spending spree when I am already in debt.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I have trouble asking others for favours and tend to apologize a lot.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I’d rather keep an unsatisfactory item than return it to the store. In a restaurant I’ll eat a meal, even if it isn’t what I ordered, rather than return it to the waiter.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I berate myself for saying or doing the wrong thing, calling myself “stupid.”
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I would do something against my better judgment rather than risk another person’s disapproval.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

When I look at myself in the mirror, I see only my flaws.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I think of how my life would improve if only I were smarter or better looking.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I graciously accept compliments and praise instead of tossing them aside.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I do things which nurture, strengthen and relax my body.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I am able to accept my vulnerable feelings like sadness, fear or anxiety.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

When I need comfort, I am able to turn to friends or family and let them know how I feel.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I am comfortable expressing my angry feelings.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I am able to assert my needs and wants with family members, colleagues or my partner.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I recognize and value my need for solitude or “quiet time.”
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I actively pursue and maintain friendships with people I truly like.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

I balance my life with pleasure and fun, recognizing that I work harder when I am well rested.
a) never or hardly at all b) sometimes c) frequently d) very often

Now add up all your points as shown below.

question 1: a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4
questions 2 through 9: a-4, b-3, c-2, d-1
questions 10 through 18: a-1, b-2, c-3, d-4

My Score:46

37-54 GOOD
You know who you are and what you need to be happy and usually are willing to take the time to do something that will fulfill you. You are always trying to improve yourself and surround yourself with supportive friends or family. You see your strengths but may need to learn to work with your weaknesses. For example, you may have a short attention span and work best in spurts. By recognizing this and giving yourself frequent breaks, you will be more productive.

1. How do you feel about yourself?

A) You feel proud of yourself

B) You have your ups and downs

C) You feel like life is not worth living

2. What do you do when someone says you can't do something because of your gender?

A) You don't let them put them put you down

B) You get hurt but you don't let it show

C) You get really upset, depressed and run away crying

3. When you are working on a group project what do you do?

A) You take the lead

B) You work with others and do your part

C) You watch others and don't participate

4. What would you do if someone you liked offered you drugs?

A) You say no and walk away

B) You say no but stay friends

C) You follow your friend use the drugs

5. When you see something going on in your school that you feel is wrong:

A) You go to the principal and fight for your cause

B) You support the person who is in charge of the campaign and take action

C) You think if the principal won't change it then why should you care

6. If you are doing poorly in a class in school, what do you do?

A) You study more and work harder

B) You just try to pay more attention in class

C) You think you can't do well and don't try to improve

7. If you have bad thoughts and feelings about something you did at school:

A) You talk out loud to yourself to convince yourself that the thoughts and feelings aren't true

B) You ignore them

C) You just think more bad thoughts

8. When something upsets you:

A) You talk to people you trust

B) You hint about the problem but don't tell anyone

C) You don't tell anybody and keep it all to yourself

9. When you're not happy with something you do you think:

A) I know I can do better

B) It's ok, I can live with failure

C) It's horrible, I'm horrible, I hate my life

10 A. When you think about your day you think about:

A) The good things that you accomplished

B) You think about the good and bad things

C) You focus on the bad things

More As= High Self-Esteem

More Bs= Medium Self-Esteem

More Cs= Low Self-Esteem

1. How I feel about myself depends on what others think of me:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

2. When I am criticized I berate myself for being stupid:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

3. I easily ask for and accept help from others:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

4. I easily accept compliments:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

5. When I look in the mirror, I see flaws in my appearance:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

6. I make time in my schedule for activities that support my health and well-being:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

7. I am uncomfortable expressing my opinion and feelings in my personal relationships:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

8. I am anxious to admit that I don't know or understand something:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

9. In a restaurant, when I receive food that doesn't match my order, I say nothing and eat it anyway:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

10. I believe that I am confident and value myself:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

11. I openly express my opinions at work:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

12. I envy others:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

13. I believe my life would be better if I were more attractive:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

14. No matter what I do, I always find something wrong with the result:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

15. I believe I will never really be happy:
___Always ___Sometimes ___Never

My thoughts
In terms of my self-esteem I feel I have come a long way in the past year. I remember when people did wrong by me or things weren't going my way I would just accept it which would bring me down as I felt I never had control over my life. I was never able to live on my own values and beliefs and that was killing me on the inside. I tend to bottle things up and I was a bomb waiting to explode. I think in the past year I have been more open and expressive with who I am and how I feel which has been great for myself esteem. It feels like a weight off my shoulders just letting things that upset me out. Though there are still somethings I don't open up about I feel I have come a long way.

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