Monday, June 14, 2010

Anxiety Tests


You scored a total of 12
You have answered this anxiety screening in such a way as to suggest that you are not likely currently suffering from an anxiety disorder. Remember that a little anxiety in normal, everyday life is to be expected and is a good thing. Nobody should be without any anxiety whatsoever, as anxiety is our body's way of telling us that we should pay closer attention to a situation, event or person in our lives (even if that person is ourselves). Scoring in this range suggests you have that normal level of anxiety but would not likely qualify for an anxiety disorder diagnosis. You should not take this as a diagnosis or recommendation for treatment in any way, though.

S C O R E S If you scored...
38 & up Severe anxiety
23 - 37 Moderate anxiety
6 - 22 Mild to little anxiety
0 - 5 No anxiety

If you responded "Yes" to four or more questions and have felt this way for
more than a few weeks, you may suffer from an anxiety disorder. You can improve
how you feel by learning anxiety reduction skills.

Above all, please know that you are not alone. One in 4 people will experience severe anxiety
that interferes with daily life -- an anxiety disorder -- at some point in their lives.
Overwhelming anxiety from has to do with physical symptoms, anxious thoughts,
and anxious behaviors. My program teaches you step by step techniques in each
of these areas to help you gain Lasting Freedom from anxiety by treating its root causes.

Note: In addition to learning anxiety reduction skills, if you answered yes to several
questions and have felt this way for more than a few weeks, we suggest that you
print this page and show the results to your health care professional. Only a physician
can diagnose an anxiety disorder.

You often:

* find yourself thinking about bad things that might happen in the future
* feel overwhelmed or "stressed out"
* worry about disappointing or not pleasing others
* have an ongoing fear of a specific object or situation, such as spiders, flying, heights, etc. for no apparent reason
* find it difficult to express undesirable emotions such as anger
* fear going to unfamiliar places or talking to unfamiliar people alone
* avoid the things youre afraid of
* self-medicate by using sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or prescription or illegal drugs to help you feel less anxious
* find yourself using words such as "cant", "should", and "have to"
* push yourself to do more, even when youre physically and mentally exhausted

You often:

* feel fatigued
* feel tense
* have difficulty concentrating
* feel moody or irritable

You have noticed:

* recent changes in your sleep or eating patterns
* that you hide your symptoms from others
You answered 4 items out of 6 Yes.

Your score is 67%. Your symptoms are consistent with social anxiety disorder. While there are other possible causes for your symptoms, you should contact your doctor for an in-person consultation and to find out more about social anxiety disorder. Learn more about SAD from the articles linked below.

KHOI's Anxiety Symptom Quiz Score Report

Total number of questions: 12

Total number of correct answers: 8

Your QuizMoz Score: 67%

Average Score for this quiz: 65%

Number of people taken this quiz: 91

Maximum score for this quiz: 92%

More quizzes
6 out of 14

If you scored 4 or more out of the thirteen questions, you may have some form of anxiety. If you would like to learn more about anxiety and the effects it may have on your body, please watch the free anxiety videos..

If you answered yes to any of these questions, and you have felt this way for a long period of time, you should check with your doctor to get properly diagnosed. Only a professional can properly diagnose anxiety.

My thoughts
Some of these tests suggest that I may have an anxiety disorder. I don't think so. I think the anxiety I experience is natural and normal to the point where it does stop me from functioning from day to day. I feel it is important to feel anxiety because it's what makes acting on our desires much more worth it. If you do not experience anxiety then you are not human.

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