Saturday, June 5, 2010

Some goals for this week...

Find more ways to express myself sexually
I have downloaded some audio and videos on sexuality. Anything to help me corrput my mind and help me become more comfortable as a sexual being.

Goto BJJ class
I trained in BJJ for a year and quit. I'm not too sure as to why but I have a desire to get back into it for a number of reasons. I miss being competitve and also I feel that BJJ challenges me in ways other martials arts don't. Mentally and spiritually. I've have been training tae kwon do more recently so that I can earn my black belt but I feel that the art does not align with my values and in turn is making me feel restless and sometimes makes me frustrated as my values don't align with my instructors. I feel by getting back into BJJ alot of things health wise and in terms of mindset will fall into place.

Goto salsa class
I've been doing salsa for a while and I love it. I haven't been going much recently but I feel the need to go. I need to put myself in situations where I am one on one with women more often. I have come to the point where I am making alot of approaches but I'm not getting the success I desire and I think it comes down to not spending enough quality time in isolation with different women.

Find a social group with lots of women
Following from salsa I want to find a social group which consists of women. I'm thinking something along the lines of yoga.

I have a big week coming up and I'm so excited. I feel like something amazing is brewing and I can't wait for it to explode!

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