Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Daygame 27/06/2010: Melbourne CBD

I wake up in the morning after having done the Night of Mayhem. There was still somewhat of a buzz after what I had achieved the night before. I get a message from Daryl "Daygame?" I had all this momentum over the last few weeks. Who was I to say no?

On the way to the city I spot a gorgeous brunette sitting a few seats in front of me. Already I am running a massive dialogue of self talk with reasons to talk/not talk to her. We arrive at Flinders St and I follow her off the train. She's walking too damn fast. I continue following her hoping she slows down but I can't get myself to talk to her :(

I walk towards Bourke St mall and I spot an artsy blonde walk past me. Boom! I turn around and walk after her. As soon as I turn around she's on her phone. Damn! I do a couple of laps of Bourke St mall thinking to myself "C'mon I just did the night of mayhem. I can do this!" My luck didn't turn around until Daryl arrived. I must admit I haven't been doing many approaches on my own in recent times. I need to spend more time approaching on my own.

We're walking towards the GPO when I spot a cute blonde dressed in all black. As I walk closer I spot something even better, another blonde but in a wintery outfit. I open direct and she's very receptive but the interaction seems to be going nowhere. I go for a number close but she's not interested so I eject. I probably should have hung around more which I haven't been doing much of. At the night of mayhem we went over objection handling. Something I need to work on over the next few weeks.

We decide to head off to Melb Central to see what's there. Daryl and I go up the escalators and I spot a beautiful brunette in a black skirt and this floral black top going down the escalators. I get to the top turn around and chase after her. I open direct. While she was quite receptive at first she was eager to get rid of me. I went for the number close anyway but a big NO!

We head back to Bourke St mall as there was not much going on at Melb Central. On our way I spot a hot blonde walking through the crowd. I sift through the crowd and catch up with her and open direct. She was very open and we had a great vibe going on. I go for the number close but she says she has a boyfriend. Objection handling. Need to practice.

We walk down Swanston St to check out Fed Square. Not much goes on there during the winter but today they had some kind of cultural thing happening so there was heaps of people there. Daryl and I are at the traffic lights and I spot a tall brunette in a white coat and white boots. She's with a friend. An Asian girl. I wait till she crosses the road and I run after her. I open direct again and she opens up but there is a language barrier. Daryl comes in to wing me but their lack of English isn't helping us get anywhere. They're air hostesses and they're only here for stop over. I run out of things to say so I eject.

Daryl and I walk back towards the crossing and on our way to Fed Square. This time I see a hot blonde across the road in a leather jacket and skirt. Again I wait for her to cross the road and I run after her. I open direct. She is very responsive but she says she has to go. I go for the number close and she kindly agrees. Too fast I reckon to really take it somewhere.

It's getting dark and Daryl needs to head back to his hostel. I get a call from Rey who did the night of mayhem as well and he had just finished approach energy. I meet up with Rey and Alex on Swanston St. Both are approach machines. I have to say I am blown away by Rey's progress in the last month. Going from not being able to ask a girl for the time a few weeks ago to becoming a approach machine really is inspiring.

I walk past a cute blonde. She looks abit young but I go anyway. We talk for abit. Throw a few teases and cold reads and she seems to be responding well. I go for a number close but I get the boyfriend again. Objection handling!

Alex calls it a day leaving myself and Rey to cause some damage. We decide to head to crown. I spot a blonde as we were walking up. She looks great from behind but once I saw her face I was like "whoops!" but I kept rolling with it. She seems really cool but I want to head to crown. I go for the number close but I get the boyfriend again.

We're strolling around the casino floor and I spot 2 blondes walking together. I walk to the less cute of the two and say "I need to talk to your friend bacause I think she's really beautiful." She's really cool with it and leaves to let me talk to my target. I throw a few teases and she's responding well but I couldn't keep things going. Number close, boyfriend, BOOM!

Being inspired by the night of mayhem, Rey and I decide to marry someone. I spot 3 girls. A blonde, a brunette and an Asian. Rey and I agree to do this together. As I'm running down the stairs Rey backs off so it left me to chase after them. I walk up to them and say "hey guys I want to marry all of you" I get a laugh from them and they walk off. Rey managed to redeem himself later on. Before I went home.

Objection handling is a big thing for me at the moment as well as hanging in there once I'm in. With abit of momentum under my belt I'm ready to take things another step further. By doing the night of mayhem I got the taste of what it's like to really get blown out and it's really not that bad.

Until next time...


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