Right now I am sick of going to work. I'm unmotivated, uninspired and I struggle to get the best of of myself on a regular basis. I am in an environment which doesn't encourage growth and I just feel like I am going through the motions. The positive side of it is that I know that this is the case and it can be changed. As I now know what doesn't motivate me, I can now look at what does.
I love a job that is challenging. I guess this is what brought me to my current job in the first place. Because it was a specialised role, I was learning all the time, it was fasted paced and there was so many things to think about on the go. There was a rush doing what I did. Now that I have a greater understanding and have a handle on what to expect, it no longer challenges me.
I am a competitive person. I grew up playing competing in tennis tournaments. I loved it. The feeling of imposing myself over my oponent. You against them. It was such a rush when you and another guy were just going at each other. I miss that feeling. I am yet to come across a job which makes me feel that way. It is a reason why I quit and given up an opportunity to get a black belt in taekwondo and returned to BJJ. It's an opportunity to compete while getting myself fit as well as developing myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
Being around inspiring people
I have a fascination for documentaries and biographies. Seeing how successful people have come from humble beginnings to greatness. It demonstrates that there is hope. It's also great to be part of All-Stars as well as part of the Melbourne Lair. To be part of a community where there are guys and girls from all walks of life dedicated to building an amazing lifestyle for themselves really is inspiring to me. Especially when I get to sit down with someone and hear their story. My workplace mainly consists of people who have worked for the bank for ages and seems like they are there to collect long service leave. They are just going through the motions. You can see some of these guys are miserable and it really sucks alot out of me.
My job no longer offers room for growth. I have come as far as I have and feel I have no room to grow. Currently I am limited in my technical ability but I have alot to offer intrinsically. I have invested alot of time and money to develop my social skills as well as develop my leadership skills. I want to find a job which will allow me to put these skills to use.
In the past I was someone who thrived under pressure. I feel that now that when the pressure is on I won't exert myself as I don't feel I'll get anything out of it. I have gone on the grind for years and not seen myself get anywhere at work. I look around and see my work mates not pull their weight and yet they get the same pay and same bonus as me. I figure why should I put myself through all this?
Something I have been missing for a while and I am taking action to change that. I feel like if I am having fun then when obstacles come my way I'll handle it much easier compared to if I'm unmotivated and uninspired. It is a great feeling knowing you are working towards something.
I think alot of actions all of us have taken have been in the effort to have rough animalistic sex. I've spent money on a BMW, a stylish wardrobe, pick-up related courses, speed dating, being the nice guy, being the jerk, etc...
If you don't agree then I don't believe you are truly being honest with yourself :)
I think when you grow up a loner as I have you feel this incredible desire to be needed or wanted. It's still something that motivates me to this day. It's the reason why I got into pick-up. It's the reason why I got into All Stars. When people die I think about the legacy they have left behind. Did they make an impact on the lives of others? Or did they just waste away from existence? I fear that if I were to die tomorrow that no-one would know and I wouldn't be surprised if people didn't rock up to my funeral. It's this fear which drives me.
I am glad I hate my job. It has helped me re-evaluate what is important to me and what I value. I feel the actions I am taking now are in becoming more in-line with what I value. I think when I am acting within my values and my beliefs, everything seems to flow naturally.
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